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Search results for consumer consequential.

390 items matching your search terms

  1. Rec-Recap-2023-Q3-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 790 KB]

    ...had suffered an unusually severe adverse reaction to LSD. The pathologist advised that death could happen (although rarely) with high doses of LSD and/or mixing LSD with other psychoactive substances. Alternatively, it was possible that Josh had consumed the LSD with an additional novel synthetic drug that was unable to be tested for. RECOMMENDATIONS OF CORONER MILLS I. As noted by the pathologist and ESR fatalities associated with LSD use are extremely rare and have generally bee...

  2. 2020-10-16-EPA-PC7-Summary-of-Submissions-Further-Submission-Spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx, 154 KB]

    Summary of submissions Provision Submitter ID Submission Point ID Name Support / Oppose Decision requested (see submission for reasons) Request to be heard Will consider joint case Further Submitter Number Further Submitter Name Support/oppose Policy 10A.2.2 70012 70012.01 Mervyn Mitchell Oppose Decline the plan change N Rule 10A.3.1.1 70012 70012.02 Mervyn Mitchell Oppose Decline the plan change N Schedule 10A.4.1 70012 70012.03 Mervyn Mitchell Oppose Decline the plan change N Schedule 10A

  3. Proactive Release - Amendments to the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...Commissioner commences on average 50 cases per year. Approximately a third of all cases settle without the need for a forfeiture hearing, and some forfeiture applications are uncontested with these outcomes involving minimal court time. Proceedings that consume the most police time are transnational proceedings; the reforms are expected to simplify and expedite proceedings to either forfeiture or withdrawal of the case by prosecutors. 51. Police baselines already reflect an investment i...

  4. Smith v Waitakere City Council [pdf, 220 KB]

    ...resulted from the dwellinghouse being a leaky building”. Accordingly, the eligibility criterion under s7(2)(c) is in my view met prima facie in every case of a “leaky building” and it is not necessary that evidence of present and immediate consequential damage is provided by a Claimant to establish eligibility of a claim – it is sufficient only to demonstrate that a dwellinghouse, the subject of a claim, is a “leaky building” [100] Whilst a leaky building is defined...

  5. BSA Fine letter trials report Final Report [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...The second follow-up trial added personalised handwritten notes (such as ‘John, you really need to read this’) to the envelopes containing overdue bills, which led to payment rates more than doubling, from 25% to 59%. This method is more time consuming than printed messages, but it took five people only two hours to write the note on 1,500 envelopes.16 These types of additions work primarily because they make the message more salient and clarify the desired action. Using handwritten...

  6. LCRO 75/2017, 210/2017 and 212/2017 SW v HB (31 October 2018) [pdf, 425 KB]

    ...balance of probabilities with reference to the Act and the rules made under it. The Act [128] Section 3 sets out the purposes of the Act which are: (a) to maintain public confidence in the provision of legal services… (b) to protect the consumers of legal services… (c) to recognise the status of the legal profession… [129] Section 4 sets out the fundamental obligations of lawyers who provide regulated services. It says that every lawyer must, in the course of his or he...

  7. [2007] National Distribution Union Inc v General Distributors Ltd AK AC 7/07 [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...[60] Although not doing so exhaustively, the definitions of good faith dealings given in s4 address what might be referred to as the honesty or transparency of dealings between parties so that deceiving and misleading, whether intentional or consequential, are prohibited. Good faith dealings between parties in the specified relationships also require “active and constructive” conduct “in establishing and maintaining a productive employment relationship in which the parties ar...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 238 Coast Road Resilience Group Inc v West Coast Regional Council [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...Metals Limited to undertake open cast mineral sands mining and processing over 12 years at a site on Barrytown Flats, State Highway 6, West Coast.2 CRRGI appealed seeking that the decision be overturned and consents refused or any further or consequential relief as may be necessary to address the matters it raised in its submission and appeal. 1 Reference WCRC: RC-2023-0046 and GDC: LUN-3154/23. 2 Independent Commissioners’ Decision on Application by TiGa Minerals and Metals L...

  9. [2019] NZEnvC 166 Lindis Catchment Group Incorporated v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...the restricted discretionary activity Ideal Laundry Limited v Pe tone Borough (1957] NZLR 1038 (CA) at 1054. Auckland Regional Council v North Shore City Council [1995] NZRMA 424 (CA) at [431]-[432]. 42 rules for water takes; and (6) make consequential changes to maps. Only the primary allocation limit and associated minlmum flow-that is (1) and (2)- are now in issue in this proceeding. As noted, PCSA also contemplated a change to Chapter 6 itself: the addition of a reference...

  10. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Minute dated 27 March 2017. 6 (a) an adjustment to the building footprint to position the building's front wall approximately 1.5m further back from the lakeside, but keeping the building footprint within the proposed lease area; (b) consequential adjustment of the position of the boardwalk in that part where it is presently closest to that lakeside boundary (referred to in evidence as the "pinch point") such as to bring it further back from that position given...