CPA Plea by Notice form. Open this form with Adobe Acrobat.
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29 items matching your search terms
CPA Plea by Notice form. Open this form with Adobe Acrobat.
Notice of Appeal Form. You may want to use Adobe Acrobat to open the form.
CPA Notice of Application. Open this form with Adobe Acrobat.
The filing of a charging document commences proceedings against a defendant. Any person may commence a proceeding under section 15 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 by filing the charging document. The document must be disclosed to the defendant as part of the initial disclosure. Section 16 of the Act and rule 3.1 of the Rules sets out the information that must be included in a charging document.
Fill in this form if you are media and want permission to film, record sound or take photos in a New Zealand court.
CPA Application for Electronically Monitored (EM) Bail.
A Defence Lawyer will use this form to draft an Intervention Plan in the Young Adult List.
A community provider may use this form to inform the court about the young adult's progress with their service.
Can be used to report back on the progress of a young adult's plan.
A form Duty Lawyers can use to make an Intervention Plan.
Duty Lawyer checklist
A factsheet for victims in the Young Adult List.
An information booklet to explain the Young Adult List to participants, written in dyslexic font.
A booklet to explain the Young Adult List to participants, written in standard font.
CPA Notice of Application to Vary Bail Conditions. Open this form with Adobe Acrobat.
s133 - Application to amend or withdraw charge(s)
CPA Notice of general appeal
Use this form in the District Court, Family Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court if you do not have legal aid or a legal aid application awaiting a decision; you do not depend financially on Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent Support, Young Parent Support, Youth Payment, Emergency Benefit or Supported Living Payment; you do not wholly depend on New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension; you have not been previously given a waiver in this proceeding; or you have previously been g…
Summons to defendant proof of service copy. CPA: Criminal Procedure Act.
Use this form in the District Court, Family Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court if the organisation has previously been given a waiver in this proceeding and nothing has happened to affect their eligibility.
Use this form in the District Court, Family Court, High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court if: you have legal aid or have a legal aid application awaiting a decision you depend financially on Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent Support, Young Parent Support, Youth Payment, Emergency Benefit or Supported Living Payment you wholly depend on New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension you have previously been given a fee waiver in this proceeding and nothing has happened to affect your eligibi…
If you've been charged with a crime and need to go to a District Court, you can sign up to get a text message reminder the day before your next court appearance.
Use this form to transfer a criminal case to another court. To be transferred, the case must be a category 1, 2 or 3 offence that are not going to a judge-alone or jury trial. Charges going to trial must remain at the Court closest to the area that the alleged offence occurred.
Prosecutors can use this form to refer victims to Court Services for Victims.
Use this form to tell the court you're going to speak Māori in the court room.