Electoral Amendment Bill consistency with NZ BORA
On this page you’ll find documents that have been published under the Government’s policy requiring Ministers to proactively release Cabinet papers and related material.
The policy applies to papers lodged for consideration by Cabinet from 1 January 2019 onwards. Cabinet papers and minutes must be proactively published within 30 business days of final decisions being taken by Cabinet, unless there’s a good reason not to publish them (whether in part or in full), or to delay the release. The policy doesn’t apply to Cabinet papers concerning the appointment of individuals to statutory and other roles.
We publish the papers for the Ministers we support – the Minister of Justice, Minster for Courts, Associate Minister of Justice and Associate Minister for Courts, as well as some papers relating to the Attorney-General.
For more information on the policy see:
CO (23) 4 - Proactive Release of Cabinet Material: Updated Requirements
244 items matching your search terms
Electoral Amendment Bill consistency with NZ BORA
Proactive release of documents relating to the Cabinet paper Government Response to Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission report, Review of Succession Law: Rights to a person’s property on death
This analysis has been produced for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions to establish a new Family Court Associate role.
Establishing a new Family Court Associate role and Family Court (Family Court Associates) Legislation Bill and associated documents
Proactive release - Coroners (Doctors Fees) Regulations 2022
Proactive release of Evidence (Digital Video Records) Amendment Regulations 2022.
Proactive release Privacy – European Union Adequacy Status This paper seeks agreement in principle to strengthen the transparency of the indirect collection of personal information under the Privacy Act 2020.
Proactive release of Amendments to the list of Approved Information Sharing Agreements in Schedule 2 of the Privacy Act 2020
Cabinet Legislation Committee approval and paper for Electoral (Expenditure Limit) Order 2022
This paper sought Cabinet’s approval of the High Court Amendment Rules 2022, Court of Appeal (Civil) Amendment Rules 2022, and Supreme Court Amendment Rules 2022 which replace the Rules for the Senior Courts, respectively. This Amendment Rules package makes minor and technical changes to the Rules of Court. The changes reflect modifications suggested by the Registry, or where the application of the Rules has proven to be impractical
Release of Cabinet paper in relation to the Search and Surveillance (SSA) Act
Proactive release Real Estate Authority (Licensing) Amendment Regulations 2021
Proactive release COVID 19 Response Courts Safety Legislation Bill
Property Law Act amendments in the COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill
Social Wellbeing Commitee Paper on ammendment of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act
Proactive release – documents related to referendums held alongside 2020 General Election
Proactive release – documents related to referendums held alongside 2020 General Election
All papers relating to Advancing Electoral Reform
Papers and other documentation in relation the the Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill
Proactive release – Briefing: Official Information Act 1982 – report back on targeted engagement and next steps
Proactive release - Package of potential changes to political donation settings prior to 2023 General Election.
This paper seeks agreement to transfer responsibility for determining the remuneration of Disputes Tribunal Referees and Tenancy Tribunal Adjudicators from the Cabinet Fees Framework to the Remuneration Authority; and approval to introduce the attached Remuneration Authority Legislation Bill (the Bill) that will implement the above proposal and the 2019 Cabinet decisions to transfer responsibility for setting the remuneration of four groups of officers from the Cabinet Fees Framework to the Remu…
Documents related to prohibiting conversion practices.
The Ministry of Justice is solely responsible for the analysis and advice set out in this Interim Regulatory Impact Statement, except as otherwise explicitly indicated.
This paper seeks approval for a suite of minor and technical changes to the District Court Rules 2014, High Court Rules 2016, Court of Appeal (Civil) Rules 2005, Court of Appeal (Criminal) Rules 2001, Supreme Court Rules 2004, and Criminal Procedure Rules 2012. These changes are proposed by the Rules Committee (the Committee).