Draft Cost Benefit Analysis: AML Phase II.
On this page you’ll find documents that have been published under the Government’s policy requiring Ministers to proactively release Cabinet papers and related material.
The policy applies to papers lodged for consideration by Cabinet from 1 January 2019 onwards. Cabinet papers and minutes must be proactively published within 30 business days of final decisions being taken by Cabinet, unless there’s a good reason not to publish them (whether in part or in full), or to delay the release. The policy doesn’t apply to Cabinet papers concerning the appointment of individuals to statutory and other roles.
We publish the papers for the Ministers we support – the Minister of Justice, Minster for Courts, Associate Minister of Justice and Associate Minister for Courts, as well as some papers relating to the Attorney-General.
For more information on the policy see:
CO (23) 4 - Proactive Release of Cabinet Material: Updated Requirements
244 items matching your search terms
Draft Cost Benefit Analysis: AML Phase II.
Improving New Zealand’s ability to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing - Summary of submissions on Phase Two of the AML/CFT reforms.
Ministry of Justice - Phase II Anti-money laundering reforms - Business Compliance Impacts - September 2016.
Submissions Analysis of the Exposure Draft Amendment Bill for Phase 2 of the AML/CFT Reforms.
AML/CFT Cabinet LEG paper June 2011.
AML/CFT Regulations paper one
AML/CFT Regulations paper two
AML/CFT Regulations RIS.
RIS AML/CFT April 2009.
Anti Money Laundering and Countering of the Financing of Terrorism Regime Reform: overview (paper three).
Anti Money Laundering and Countering of the Financing of Terrorism Regime Reform: overview (paper one).
Anti Money Laundering and Countering of the Financing of Terrorism Regime Reform: overview (paper two).
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism AML/CFT Bill: Approval for Introduction.
Cabinet paper and minute relating to the Statutes Amendment Bill
This paper seeks approval of the Government Response to the report of e Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission: The Use of DNA in Criminal Investigations | Te Whakamahi i te Ira Tangata i ngā Mātai Taihara.
Budget 2021 Summary of investment in Justice and Courts
Explanatory information about the new Guidelines for Wrongful Conviction and Imprisonment released 19 August 2020.
State Services Minister, Chris Hipkins, has released Cabinet decisions about how government agencies will engage with, and respond to, issues identified by the Royal Commission of inquiry over the next four years.
State Services Minister, Chris Hipkins, has released Cabinet decisions about how government agencies will engage with, and respond to, issues identified by the Royal Commission of inquiry over the next four years.