Negligence / numerous breaches of Code / failed to identify qualification did not meet instructions & client’s ineligibility / failed to get approval to change visa category / failed to have written agreement / failed to respond to INZ letter / failed to inform clients they were unlawful & provide updates / failed to advise outcome / did not ensure payment for reconsideration application / failed to file requests in a timely manner & when requested / failed to confirm details of material discussions in writing / Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, s 442 / Code of Conduct 2014, cl1, cl2e, cl18a, cl26aiii, cl26b, cl 26c / adviser conceded Code breaches & provided explanation / errors attributed to health and personal difficulties / acting pro bono does not lower standard required / no breach of cl26aiii, it does not require creation of written communications; cl26(c) does / complaint upheld