The Ministry is phasing out payment by cheque

As New Zealand banks continue to phase out the use of cheques, the Ministry will no longer be processing incoming or outgoing cheques after 31 May 2021.

This follows the announcement that most New Zealand banks will no longer accept cheques by mid-2021 as many customers are now opting for digital payment options. 

We understand this change will affect some people more than others. We’re working to ensure the elimination of cheques as a payment option doesn’t impact access to justice or any of the services the Ministry provides. 

The Ministry is aligning with the changes happening across Aotearoa New Zealand to ensure we provide payment methods that are accessible and available.

For many justice participants, an electronic payment can offer a faster and more efficient way to make or receive a payment.

More information will be available on the Ministry of Justice website in early 2021. For enquiries about specific payments, see:

Fine payments

Jury service

Receiving reparation payment

For filing fees, see the relevant pages on our website or read more about the online service on the Courts of New Zealand website:
File and pay online service(external link)


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