You can make a claim to the Weathertight Homes Tribunal for:
the cost for the remedial work to your home and other costs associated with the repairs such as project management expenses, costs of obtaining building consents and engineers’ reports
loss of rental or reduction of rental for the period in which the property was affected by moisture or uninhabitable or the cost of alternative accommodation while repairs were carried out
interest on loans obtained to carry out repairs
general damages for inconvenience and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred in repairing the home or due to the home leaking
accommodation costs if the claimant is required to move out of the house during repairs.
Claiming legal costs
The Weathertight Homes Tribunal doesn’t have the power to award legal costs and related costs except in circumstances where a party has caused those costs to be incurred unnecessarily by:
acting in bad faith or
making allegations or objections that don’t have substantial merit.