On this page:
Please note: a duly executed document is needed for each transaction (including consents) and that A&I forms cannot be executed.
One of the following forms are required depending on whether there is a caveat or a Statutory Land Charge over the property, and if the legal aid grant is open or closed:
Complete the editable PDF form by typing into the fields and email it to: legalaiddebt@justice.govt.nz.
These forms include a lawyer's undertaking for repayment of the legal aid debt which is not required if the debt has already been repaid in full. We may ask you to provide another undertaking depending on the situation.
To check the debt balance or to confirm which form you require, contact the Legal Aid Debt Management Group on 0800 600 090.
Your executed documents will be posted and/or emailed to you and you will need to register them with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), which should be done through e-dealing. Your client will need to pay any fees incurred with releasing the Statutory Land Charge or withdrawing the Caveat.
If payment of the legal aid debt is required, detailed payment instructions will be sent to you with the executed document.
For any queries on LINZ (including fees, contact details or the e-dealing process) call 0800 665 463 or go to the LINZ website (external link). (external link)
For all legal aid debt queries contact the Legal Debt Management Group by phone on 0800 600 090 or by email at legalaiddebt@justice.govt.nz.
If you require the consent of the Legal Services Commissioner to vary/amend a title with a registered charge, you will need to provide the details on the consent form [DOC, 37 KB] and return it to legalaiddebt@justice.govt.nz.
You also need to provide us with images of all dealings to be registered (for example, [draft] A&I form for transfer, mortgage). Please advise us of the anticipated settlement date, if any.
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