9.0 References
Legislation and guidelines concerning the coverage of court proceedings and access to court information cited in this document are:
- Broadcasting Act 1989
- Care of Children Act 2004
- Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989
- Copyright Act 1994
- Coroners Act 2006
- Criminal Justice Act 1985
- Criminal Procedure Act 2011
- Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004
- Defamation Act 1992
- District Court Act 2016
- District Court (Access to Court Documents) Rules 2017
- District Courts and High Court (Criminal Fees) Regulations 2013
- Employment Relations Act 2000
- Environment Court Media Guidelines
- Family Courts Act 1980
- Family Court Media Guidelines
- Family Courts Rules 2002
- In-Court Media Coverage Guidelines 2016
- Official Information Act 1982
- Privacy Act 1993
- Resource Management Act 1991
- Senior Courts Act 2016
- Senior Courts (Access to Court Documents) Rules 2017
- Supreme Court Act 2003
- Supreme Court Media Guidelines 2004
- Telecommunications Act 2001
- Youth Court Media Guidelines 2019
Legislation can be accessed from www.legislation.govt.nz.
Published by:
Ministry of Justice
DX Box SX10088
New Zealand
September 2019
Email: contactus@justice.govt.nz
Telephone: +64 4 918 8800
Facsimile: +64 4 918 8820
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