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279 items matching your search terms

  1. Strengthening the family justice system - Q and A [PDF, 330 KB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel been asked specifically to look at the effectiveness of in-court and out-of-court processes, the appropriate role and use of professionals in the family justice system, and the extent to which decisions are being made that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of children. The Panel released its first consultation …

  2. Strengthening the family justice system - EasyRead - Word version [DOCX, 10 MB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel released its first consultation paper in September 2018, aimed at identifying what has been working well and what has not since 2014. This second consultation paper introduces and seeks feedback on the Panel’s proposed changes. This version is written in Easy Read format. 

  3. Strengthening the family justice system - EasyRead - PDF version [PDF, 4.1 MB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel released its first consultation paper in September 2018, aimed at identifying what has been working well and what has not since 2014. This second consultation paper introduces and seeks feedback on the Panel’s proposed changes. This version is written in Easy Read format. 

  4. Family Court Rewrite - Summary of submissions - Word version [DOCX, 3.1 MB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel been asked specifically to look at the effectiveness of in-court and out-of-court processes, the appropriate role and use of professionals in the family justice system, and the extent to which decisions are being made that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of children. The Panel released its first consultation …

  5. Family Court Rewrite - Summary of submissions - PDF version [PDF, 824 KB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel been asked specifically to look at the effectiveness of in-court and out-of-court processes, the appropriate role and use of professionals in the family justice system, and the extent to which decisions are being made that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of children. The Panel released its first consultation …

  6. Strengthening the family justice system - Te Reo version [PDF, 3.6 MB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel been asked specifically to look at the effectiveness of in-court and out-of-court processes, the appropriate role and use of professionals in the family justice system, and the extent to which decisions are being made that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of children. The Panel released its first consultation …

  7. Strengthening the family justice system - PDF version [PDF, 2 MB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel been asked specifically to look at the effectiveness of in-court and out-of-court processes, the appropriate role and use of professionals in the family justice system, and the extent to which decisions are being made that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of children. The Panel released its first consultation …

  8. Strengthening the family justice system - Word version [DOCX, 1.2 MB]

    An Independent Panel has been tasked by the Minister of Justice to examine and report on the effectiveness of reforms made to the family justice system in 2014. The Panel been asked specifically to look at the effectiveness of in-court and out-of-court processes, the appropriate role and use of professionals in the family justice system, and the extent to which decisions are being made that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of children. The Panel released its first consultation …